

BICS(Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills)










BICSが必要とされるのは、高コンテクストで、対人的・パラ言語的手がかり(ジェスチャーや表情、イントネーションなど)が得られるような言語活動である。このような言語活動には、高度な認知活動がほとんど必要とされない。BICSが言語発達の比較的早い段階で発達する能力であるのには、このことが関係していると考えられる。日本語では、「生活言語能力」(『日本語教育能力検定試験 50音順 用語集』)、「基本的対人伝達能力」(太田垣 1997)、「生活言語能力」・「日常言語能力」(『日本語教育能力検定試験に合格するための用語集』)などとされる。
















①.. the distinction was criticized on the grounds that a simple dichotomy does not account for many dimensions of language use and competence, for example, certain sociolinguistic aspects of language (e.g.Wald,1984). However, the distinction was not proposed as an overall theory of language but as a conceptual distinction addressed to specific issues concerning the education of second language leaners. ... The fact that the distinction does not attempt to address all aspects of sociolinguistics or discourse styles or any number of other linguistic issues is irrelevant. (2000:73)




②Another point concerns the sequence of acquisition between BICS and CALP. August and Hakuta (1997), for example, suggest that the distinction specifies that BICS must precede CALP in development. This is not at all the case. The sequential nature of BICS/CALP acquisition was suggested as typical in the specific situation of immigrant children learning a second language. It was not suggested as an absolute order that applies in every, or even a majority of situations. Thus attainment of high levels of L2 CALP can precede attainment of fluent L2 BICS in certain situations (e.g. a scientist who can read a language for research purposes but who can’t speak it).




③ Another misunderstanding is to interpret the distinction as dimensions of language that are autonomous or independent of their contexts of acquisition (e.g. Romaine, 1989: 240). To say that BICS and CALP are conceptually distinct is not the same as saying that they are separate or acquired in different ways. Developmentally they are not necessarily separate; all children acquire their initial conceptual foundation (knowledge of the world) largely through conversational interactions in the home. Both BICS and CALP are shaped by their contexts of acquisition and use. ... BICS and CALP both develop within a matrix of interaction. However, they follow different developmental patterns: phonological skills in our native language and our basic fluency reach a plateau in the first six or so years; in other words, the rate of subsequent development is very much reduced in comparison to previous development. This is not the case for literacy-related knowledge such as range of vocabulary which continues to develop at least throughout our schooling and usually throughout our lifetimes.




④An additional misconception is that the distinction characterizes CALP(academic language) as a ‘superior’ form of language proficiency to BICS(conversational language). This interpretation was never intended and was explicitly repudiated (Cummins, 1983), although it is easy to see how the use of the term ‘basic’ in BICS might appear to devalue conversational language as compared to the apparent higher status of cognitive academic language proficiency. Clearly, various form of conversational language performance are highly complex and sophisticated both linguistically and cognitively. However, these forms of language performance are not necessarily strongly related to the linguistic demands of schooling. As outlined above, access to very specific oral and written registers of language are required to continue to progress academically and a major goal of schooling for all students is to expand student’s access to these academic registers of language. However, the greater relevance of academic language proficiency for success in school, as compared to conversational proficiency, does not mean that it is intrinsically superior in any way.




⑤Some investigators have also claimed that by ‘the mid 1980s the dichotomy between CALP and BICS was largely abandoned by Cummins, although it has not ceased to influence subsequent research on second language acquisition and bilingual education’ (Devlin, 1997:82). This is inaccurate. I have tended to use the terms conversational and academic proficiency in place of BICS and CALP because the acronyms were considered misleading by some commentators (e.g. Spolsky, 1984) and were being misinterpreted by others (e.g. Romaine, 1989). However, the acronyms continue to be widely used in the field and from my perspective are still appropriate to use.


⇒この主張は誤りである。Spolsky(1984)などにより、それらの用語が誤解を招きやすいものであると指摘されたことや、実際にRomaine(1989)などによって誤解をされたことを受けて、BICSの代わりに‘conversational proficiency’という用語を、CALPの代わりに‘academic proficiency’という用語を用いる傾向は確かにある。しかしながら、BICS/CALPという用語は第二言語習得やバイリンガル教育の分野で広く使用され続けているものであり、今もなお適切であると考える。




川上郁雄(2006)『「移動する子どもたち」と日本語教育―日本語を母語としない子どもへのことばの教育を考える―』 明石書店

本林響子(2006)「カミンズ理論の基本概念とその後の展開―Cummins(2000) “Language, power, and pedagogy” を中心に―」『言語文化と日本語教育』第31号,pp.23-28.

August, D. and Hakuta, K.(eds). (1997) Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children: A Research Agenda. National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press.

Cummins, J (1979) Cognitive/academic language proficiency, linguistic interdependence, the optimum age question and some other matters. Working Papers on Bilingualism 19,121-29.

Cummins, J (2000) Language, power, and pedagogy: bilingual children in the crossfire, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Devlin, B (1997) Links between first and second language instruction in Northern Territory bilingual programs: Evolving policies, theories and practice. In P. McKay, A. Davies, B. Devlin, J. Clayton, R. Oliver and S. Zammit (eds) The Bilingual Interface Project Report (pp.75-90). Canberra City: Commonwealth of Australia.

Romaine, S. (1989) Bilingualism. Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Spolsky, B. (1984) A note on the dangers of terminology innovation. In C. Rivera (ed.) Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement (pp.41-43). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Wald, B. (1984) A sociolinguistic perspective on Cummins’ current framework for relating language proficiency to academic achievement. In C.Rivera (ed.) Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement (pp.55-70). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters


